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weekly update 1

I'm sorry for my absence on here this weekend, L was formatting our laptop to update it but it didn't work, and when it did, the wi-fi wouldn't connect. Computer stuff baffles me! However, he has sorted it and it is faster than before, which is always a good thing.

Nothing else has been going on lately, I've been into collecting recipes that are easy, quick and healthy to prepare us for this week, I've bought some vegetables that we need to eat but I'm rather afraid of tasting asparagus, so I might hold off for a bit. I'm desperately wanting to collect more recipes so if you have any good recommendations, link it in the comments and I'll check them out!

You might be able to tell that I got my hair cut! It's a cascading bob so it goes up at the back and my hairdresser (also my best friend) kept some length in the front. I sent pictures to my sisters and they've gone out and got theirs cut too. I am quite the trend-setter, haha! It's so so easy to manage, but I do miss having the ability to curl it easily and ballerina bun it.

Currently, I am watching the Big Bang Theory while L is napping beside me. I also went to the doctors today, not that anyone cares, but the nurse weighed me and I weigh less than I thought! Made my day, haha!

H x

10 love notes:

  1. I love your hair! Jacob xx

    1. Thankyou Jakey! We should do a joint blog together one day :)

  2. I love your hair.

    Wanted to let you know I have nominated you for The Liebster Award http://thelittlefogey.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/liebster-award.html x

    1. Oh wow! Definitely will check that out! Thankyou so much, sweetheart! xx

  3. Thank you for following my blog! :)
    I though't I'd come on over and say hello, but WOW your blog is gorgeous (as are you!) I've just been and read the whole thing :)
    I have to ask, what camera do you use? I'm saving my pennies for a new one and yours takes dreamy shots!

    1. That's okay, sweet! You have a lovely blog! There's not a lot of content at the moment - I've just redone everything from scratch so it means a lot!

      My camera at the moment is a Canon EOS 1000d, which I got via eBay, but I'm currently saving my pennies too to get a 600d that does film as well! xx

  4. Your hair looks lovely, and your skin is so clear :) just noticed the comment above - and I have the same camera as you :) xx

    1. Thankyou sweet! It's a good camera isn't it! I don't think that bloggers necessarily need an slr but it does make things easier!

      I'm giving my skin a little break at the moment, just using products I know work, so maybe that's why hehe!


  5. Love it! I wish I could get my hair to go like this when it's short, but it is so uncooperative its unreal! x


    1. Mine is beginning to get uncooperative! I'm persisting until I can be bothered to get it cut again!xxx
