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eos lip balm sphere

eos balm 2
eos balm 1
(EOS Lip Balm Sphere - Summer Fruits via Amazon)
I've had quite a relationship with this little sphere of balm. From not being able to get hold of it until searching on Amazon a few months back, not loving the scent and not being sure whether it did anything, to absolutely loving everything about it and wearing it everyday and reapplying throughout the day.

I first saw the EOS Balm on a Michelle Phan video, and being easily influenced, I wanted one desperately. I bought one from Amazon, it was about £5, and I thought there was nothing to lose. I tried it out and instantly thought the scent was way too overpowering and sickly. Now this is coming from someone who doesn't mind scents in products! Summer fruits reminds me of berries, but this just gives of a citrus, peachy smell, which I don't mind but I just didn't like the smell. Now, after using it for a couple of months, it's grown on me, and I don't mind using it throughout the day.

The packaging is wonderful. I love the unique spherical shape and the colour is non-offensive and a beautiful coral-peach-pink. The consistency is thick, yet not sticky and although I can feel it on my lips, I like a thick balm as my lips tend to get very dry. By using this everyday, my lips have definitely been more supple and moisturized.

5 love notes:

  1. I love your blog! If I remember correctly, you used to have another one? I really like the redesign/re-branding. The layout and content is just gorgeous.

    Have you tried EOS shaving cream? It's super moisturizing and luxurious feeling. x

    1. Thankyou! Yours is gorgeous! I did, yeah, I wasn't feeling it was 'me' so I decided on making a new one! I'll tell the boyfriend that you like the layout haha, he'll be happy!

      I've never tried it but I miss using shaving cream so I might take a look at it! x

  2. I've seen a few posts about this lip balms, I think I'll have to try and get hold of one!

    Just found your blog. Loving it so far, now following :)

    Hope you can take a minute to check out my blog, maybe follow back?

    Laura xx

    1. Thankyou so much! I've followed via bloglovin!


  3. Check out Buddha Balm if you like a more natural lip product. Head to head, Buddha Balm beats EOS every time. Thanks for the cool blog.
