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summer purchases

Summer Purchases
Summer Purchases
Summer Purchases
Summer Purchases

(thrifted trousers, H&M maxi dress, Spirit key necklace, thrifted leaf necklace, eBay spike necklace, eBay ring, thrifted watch)

Today me and the Mamabear went thrifting. Most of this is what I bought today, and I threw in a couple of sneaky eBay bits as well. I got slightly too excited when we found these trousers and they fit, they weren't ridiculously long on my 5ft 3 (and a half) frame. She goes away to see my sisters tomorrow so I had to get some mama time in before she went without me. My father is also away (they aren't together), so this means revision and living at L's for the rest of the week. Tonight I'm going to plant some lettuces and tomato plants in grow-bags and tend to the radishes and herbs, so I can aspire to be the new Nigella.

2 love notes:

  1. I loooove the necklace! Great blog, I"m following :)

    sana xo

    1. The spike one is my favourite! Thankyou so much:)

      H x
