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june goals

June Goals

I've been thinking recently that I need to set monthly goals to keep me working hard now that I've left college. I've always needed some kind of habitual routine and structure so working towards these may help with the lack of routine at the moment. Apart from, obvioiusly, revising and taking my exams, there is not much else going on right now.

1. I decided a couple of days ago that I wanted to try and blog every day for the month of June. I absolutely love doing it and seeing my blog grow like a moon flower every day, and growing more proud of myself for doing it. So, there's number one. It might happen, or it might not!

2. I really want to start making videos. I'm ridiculously shy and slightly awkward in real~ life and sometimes find it difficult to express what I see/want in a bunch of characters on a white screen. I don't know what they will be about, but I've been looking into it for a while and seeing what type of camera and equipment to get but I think it'd be quite a nice extension to the posts.

3. Start learning driving theory. I'm literally just going to buy one of the books and study it so hard! I can't wait to drive and have the world as my oyster, so I'm actually going to learn after a year and a half of putting it off.

4. Become vegetarian. I've never been a big meat eater, so it just seems like a natural progression after cutting out bacon and any other pork. It suddenly just clicked in my head that these sentient, living beings are getting killed purely so I can have some food on my plate and leather on my sofa. It may seem unnatural to some, but I can quite happily live without meat and without the gloomy conscience looming on my shoulders. I'm not being a pescetarian, because I think fish have exactly the same value as a cow. Please bear in mind that this is my opinion and I realise that everyone has their own as well.

I don't want to set many other goals, other than start looking and hopefully get a job, since that I guess, is my 'plan'.

1 love notes:

  1. How're you getting on with being a veggie? Great decision! I've been vegetarian for about 10 years, the only time I ate meat within this period was when I suffered from an eating disorder and my silly doctor said that I will never recover properly unless I stop excluding certain things (meat, in this case) from my diet and that meat was essential for me getting better (which, retrospectively, I think is a complete bullshit but oh well...) and I think it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I'm never going to go back as I think that if you do it properly and make sure you get all the nutrients, there's absolutely no health risk to it. I feel great and I am proud of myself for not contributing to the disgusting meat industry. Thumbs up!
