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white collar

white collar
white collar 2
white collar 3
(Primark white blouse, eBay spike necklace)
Photos by L

I seem to be rather late on the bandwagon of shirts and such, and mostly everything. However I wanted a white collared shirt for a while to do up the button & put collar tips on, to channel Zara (as unfortunately, they are out of my poor, just-left-college-student budget). This hi-lo, sheer blouse from Primark is filling a gap at present, and until my collar tips arrive I'm making do with a spiked necklace hidden underneath the collar. The sheerness, gold buttons and floaty aspect of it adds enough girliness so as not to destroy the edge, if you will, of the spikes; but juxtaposes them instead.

6 love notes:

  1. You can make collar tips too!! I've seen DIY tutorials on Pop Champagne Blog and I think Honestly WTF too



    1. That sounds interesting! I might have to check those out...

      H x

  2. you're so pretty, and amazing necklace! LV x

    1. Thankyou so much, sweet! I was a bit windswept that day though! The necklace is amazing isn't it!

      H x

  3. love your necklace! cute blog :') xx
